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2020 Haixin Newcomers' Session     DATE: 2020-07-11 08:55:00    The author:本站

2020 New Staff’s Welcome Party & the Award Presentation Ceremony of the Outstanding Staff

Don’t Forget Why We Started and Move Forward BravelyWork for a glorious future with our united efforts
        In the afternoon of July 11, 2020, New Staff’s Welcome Party & the Award Presentation Ceremony of the Outstanding Staff was held at the 7th Conference Room of Haixin Office Building. Present includes: Mr. Meng Xianhong, Chairman and General Manager, Leaders of various deparments, Most technicians and staffs and 2020 new employees of both Haihong and Haixin.
        The Agenda of the party are: Self introduction of new employees; speech of veteran employee representatives from both Haihong and Haixin; Award of Outstanding employees from both Haihong and Haixin; speech of leaders from both Haihong and Haixin; Speech of Chairman, Mr. Meng Xianhong. The ceremony ended with a dinner party.
        At the beginning of the meeting, all new employees from both Haihong and Haixin introduced themselves and expressed their enthusiasm to their new job and best wishes to the future. Veteran employees expressed their warmly welcome to the new comer, shared their experience with them and also set up higher requirements to themselves.
Award Presentation Ceremony of Outstanding Staff of Jiangsu Haihong
Award Presentation Ceremony of Outstanding Staff of Jiangsu Haixin
        Both Haihong and Haixin attached great importance to the development of talents and have actively reserved various talents by creating broad employment environment for workers and staffs. At this meeting, 20 outstanding staffs have been awarded with prizes.
      Finally, leaders from various departments summarized their respective accomplishment in 2019 and Chairman, Mr. Meng Xianhong, expressed his sincerely gratitude to all workers and staffs, gave his full recognition to company’s achievement in 2019 and also raised his expectation and requirement in company’s development and encourage all workers and staffs to continue their efforts to obtain even more spectacular results to usher in the golden age of Haihong and haixin.
PREVIOUS:“Xin Haixu” Start Dredging Successfully
NEXT:【Steel-Cut Ceremony】60m Ferry

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